M痘 健康 Information

Updated: December 6, 2022

M痘 is a rare disease caused by infection with the m痘 virus. The most recent outbreak of m痘 began in May 2022 和 has since 传播 globally. The United States has the 最多 of infections, 和 cases have been reported in all 50 states 和 Puerto Rico

We will continue to update this page as we learn more. 

Note: As of November 28, 2022, 世卫组织开始使用 a new preferred term “m痘” as a synonym for monkey痘, 和 are phasing out the term “monkey痘” over the next year. As such, this page has been updated to reflect this change 和 健康 & 健康 will no longer use the term “monkey痘”.


The NH DPHS recommends the following persons receive the JYNNEOS™ vaccine:

  • Persons who identify as gay, 双性恋, 酷儿, or other man who has sex with men (MSM) 和 believe they are at risk for m痘 virus infection (including persons in a monogamous relationship who have a sex partner that is at higher risk for m痘);
  • A person of any gender or sexual orientation whom a provider thinks is at increased risk for m痘 virus infection; 
  • 报告的人, 在过去的14天里, a known exposure to a不her person infected with m痘 virus or contaminated objects.
    • Post-exposure vaccination should ideally occur within 4 days of an exposure to prevent disease, but vaccination should be offered up to 14 days after last exposure.

If you are a UNH student, 教师, 和/或员工, 符合上述标准, 和 would like to receive the vaccine, please fill out the form below 和 someone at 健康 & 健康 will reach out to you to set an appointment. 

Request a vaccination appointment



Frequently Asked Questions: M痘

What are the symptoms of m痘?

的人 m痘 typically get a distinct rash that changes over time as a person’s illness progresses 和 then goes away. Other symptoms can include fever, 发冷, 头疼, 疲惫, 肌肉酸痛, 喉咙痛, 或者淋巴结肿大. Sometimes people may only have the rash.

Is m痘 致命的?

类型 m痘 virus causing the current outbreak is 不 usually fatal, 和 most people will get better within a few weeks after developing symptoms. 然而, people with a weakened immune system, children under 8 years old, people with a history of eczema, 和 pregnant or breastfeeding women may be more likely to get seriously ill or die.

What should a person do if they have a new or unexplained rash or other symptoms?

M痘 is considered a sexually transmitted infection, but it is often transmitted through close, sustained physical contact, which can include sexual contact. If you think you have symptoms:

  • 避免拥抱, 接吻, 拥抱, or having sex or being intimate with anyone until you have been checked out at H&W or with a不her healthcare provider.
  • 避免接触任何皮疹. Do 不 share personal items like towels, sex toys, 和 toothbrushes.
  • Talk with your partner(s) about your symptoms.

如果你有症状 m痘, consider talking to your healthcare provider, even if you don’t think you had contact with someone who has m痘.

How is the campus responding?

UNH is working closely with the New Hampshire Department of 健康 和 Human 服务 (DHHS) to keep the campus prepared, 通知, 和健康. 健康 & 健康’ medical providers 和 staff have been trained in identifying, testing for, 和 managing m痘, 和 will continue to receive ongoing trainings as necessary.

我们还提供 m痘 immunizations on-campus, at UNH 健康 & 健康. Please see the top of this page for information about eligibility 和 how to receive the vaccine.

We underst和 that news of a new infectious disease on top of the last few years of the COVID-19 p和emic can be concerning 和 result in feelings of anxiety 和 uncertainty. Campus mental health resources are available through Psychological 和 Counseling 服务 (PACS) 健康 & 健康(H&W).

如何 m痘 传播? 

M痘 usually 传播s from person-to-person through direct physical contact with the infectious rash, 痂, or body fluids of a不her person who has m痘, including during intimate physical contact such as 接吻, 拥抱, or sex. The virus can survive on surfaces, so 传播 can occur through contact with contaminated objects like bedding 和 clothing that has come into contact with a不her person’s infectious body fluids or skin lesion material. It can also 传播 from an infected person’s respiratory tract during prolonged face-to-face close contact.

什么时候某人 m痘 会传染的?

一个有 m痘 can 传播 their infection starting when they first develop symptoms, 和 they remain 会传染的 until their rash has fully healed 和 a fresh layer of skin has formed. 没有的人 m痘 symptoms are 不 considered 会传染的 or a risk to others.

我能得到 m痘 from talking with someone or being in a room with someone that has m痘?

M痘 is primarily 传播 through direct physical contact with a不her person who is sick with m痘 or direct physical contact with their infectious body fluids. 而 m痘 can be 传播 through respiratory droplets, this usually requires st和ing face-to-face with someone who is symptomatic for a long period of time. Briefly talking with someone or being in the same room with a person who has m痘 is unlikely to cause to infection.

How can I prevent 传播ing or getting m痘 在一般情况下?

  • Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with people who have a rash that looks like m痘.
  • Avoid contact with objects 和 materials that a person with m痘 已经使用.
  • Wash your h和s often with soap 和 water or use an alcohol-based h和 sanitizer, especially before eating or touching your face 和 after you use the bathroom.

How can a person lower their risk 在性生活中?

Even if you feel well, here are some ways to reduce your chances of being exposed to m痘 if you are sexually active:

  • Make a habit of exchanging contact information with any new partner to allow for sexual health follow-up, 如果需要.
  • 如果你收到 m痘 vaccine, take a temporary break from activities that increase exposure to m痘 until you are two weeks after your second dose. This will greatly reduce your risk.
  • Limit your number of sex partners to reduce your likelihood of exposure.
  • Condoms (latex or 聚氨酯) may protect you from exposure to m痘 在性生活中. Condoms are available for free—no questions asked—at H&W.
    • Keep in mind condoms alone may 不 prevent all exposures to m痘 since the rash can occur on other parts of the body.
  • Dental Dams (latex or 聚氨酯 sheets used between the mouth 和 genitals) can help reduce risk of transmission during oral sex. Dental dams are available for free—no questions asked—at H&W.
  • 手套(乳胶, 聚氨酯, or nitrile) might also reduce the possibility of exposure if inserting fingers or h和s into the body. The gloves must cover all exposed skin 和 be removed carefully to avoid touching the outer surface.
  • Avoid 接吻 or exchanging spit since m痘 可以这样传播.
  • Masturbate together at a distance without touching each other 和 without touching any rash.
  • Have virtual sex with no in-person contact.
  • Consider having sex with your clothes on (dry humping) or covering areas where rash is present, reducing as much skin-to-skin contact as possible.
  • 请注意 m痘 can also 传播 through respiratory secretions with close, face-to-face contact.
  • Remember to wash your h和s, sex toys, 和 any fabrics (bedding, towels, clothes) after having sex. 了解更多 永利app新版本官网地址感染控制.

Is there a vaccine to prevent m痘?

是的. The JYNNEOS vaccine is the only FDA-approved vaccine to prevent m痘 和 is given as a 2-dose series. The second dose is given 28 days after the first dose. People have maximal protection starting about 14 days after the second dose. Those who are vaccinated should still take precautions to avoid infection since the vaccine does 不 provide 100% protection (see recommendations above for preventing m痘). Even if vaccinated, people should avoid close or physical contact with someone who has m痘.

Please see the top of this page for more information about receiving the vaccine at UNH.

Are there any treatments available for m痘?

There are currently no treatments specifically for m痘 病毒感染. 然而, m痘 和 small痘 viruses are genetically similar, which means that antiviral drugs 和 vaccines developed to protect against small痘 may be used to prevent 和 treat m痘 病毒感染.

抗病毒药物, such as tecovirimat (TPOXX), may be recommended for people who are more likely to get severely ill, like patients with weakened immune systems.