Intellectual 健康

A head with books, pages, and leaves coming out the top

Intellectual wellness is allowing your brain both stimulation and rest for critical thinking, curiosity, and creativity. 

Signs of Intellectual 健康

  • Development of good study skills and time management
  • Ability to challenge yourself to see all sides of an issue
  • Becoming a critical thinker
  • Development of your own ideas, views, and opinions
  • Exposing yourself to new ideas, people, and beliefs that are different from your own
  • Become aware of who you are and what you value 
  • 发现 UNH 图书馆 Resources 

Check in with your intellectual wellness

  • Were you able to register for classes that you think you will find interesting?
  • What are you excited to learn at UNH?
  • Have you read a good book or listened to music you enjoyed lately? 
  • Do you believe that your intellectual growth comes from what you learn in and outside the classroom?
  • How comfortable do you think you will feel asking your professors for help? 

Explore Intellectual 健康


  • Review study materials within 24 hours of class to keep it fresh in your memory
  • Take notes while you read, while in class, and focus on more than what is written on the board
  • Form a study group session with other people in your class
  • Study in a quiet environment that will not distract you
  • Color coding helps trigger memory - keep one topic per color
  • Find innovative ways to study that work for you

Improve Time Management

  • Make a "To-Do" list that allows you to cross off completed tasks as you go.
  • Prioritize tasks in order of importance and tackle the most important first
  • 学习 to say no to social activities sometimes - remember what is important to get done
  • 缩短工作时间. Money is important, but working too much can cut into your study time
  • Multi-task within your limits


  • 学习 there is more than one way to do something
  • There isn't always a "right" answer, but sometimes multiple
  • Stay open-minded to new ideas, insights, thoughts, expressions, and values
  • Expose yourself to difference

Improve Critical Thinking

  • Be actively engaged in conversation, readings, and classrooms - think about what is happening
  • Ask questions to yourself or others as you reflect
  • Challenge the norm, don't take an answer for what it is without agreeing upon it yourself
  • Find patterns and connections to examples that relate to your life
  • Keep your brain active, thinking, and questioning. 

Talk to a 健康 Educator/Counselor

UNH students can make individual 任命s with a wellness educator/counselor to discuss intellectual wellness. Call (603) 862-9355 or make an 任命 在线. 
