
The transition to college can be both challenging 和 exciting. Luckily, there's a lot you can do ahead of time to get ready to get well 和 stay well at UNH!


当你来UNH的时候,一定要带一个保健包. 如果你感觉不舒服, it's really nice to have what you need so you don't have to make special trips to the drug store or pharmacy.


  • 复合维生素
  • 组织
  • 盐(用于喉咙痛的盐水漱口)
  • 温度计
  • 眼睛洗
  • 镊子
  • 喉咙痛/止咳含片
  • 疼痛/痛苦/热药, non-prescription analgesics work well for fever control 和 pain, 包括头痛
    • 对乙酰氨基酚(泰诺®)
    • 布洛芬(Motrin®、Motrin IB®和Advil®) 
  • 抗过敏药物(如果需要)
  • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®) for itchy bug bites or allergy of many kinds
  • 感冒/咳嗽的药物
    • Always read labels carefully, particularly on multi-symptom medication to avoid “double-dosing.”
    • 按照包装上的指示服用药物.
  • Decongestants are highly recommended for nasal/sinus congestion 和 clogged ears
    • 伪麻黄碱(从药房柜台购买)
  • Cough medications such as guaifenesin are expectorants 和 help to loosen phlegm in the chest
    • Robitussin®,Mucinex®
  • 创可贴(各种尺寸)
  • 纱/磁带
  • 绷带(各种尺寸)
  • 外用酒精/过氧化氢
  • 抗菌药膏,如杆菌肽
  • PeptoBismol®/抗酸剂
  • 无水酒精基(至少60%)洗手液.
    • There is no need to have antibacterial soap or h和 cleansers; in fact, these items are often expensive 和 are not as effective in killing germs/viruses as soap 和 水.

  • 加热垫
  • 冰袋或化学冷敷
  • 雾加湿器/酷
  • 汤包
  • 饼干
  • 透明液体对任何疾病都有帮助
    • 生姜啤酒, 水, 运动饮料, 清澈的果汁,如苹果和蔓越莓, 清澈的鸡肉或蔬菜汤, 果冻®, 和冲剂®
    • 干混合包是很好的存储方便
  • Freezer pops are very soothing when ill with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, 和/or sore throat
  • 防晒霜
  • 润唇膏

健康 & 健康提供非处方药, 比如止痛药, 维生素, 抗酸药, 还有止咳和感冒药, 比许多药店或超市的价格都低.

你也可以使用我们的 自我保健指南 学习如何治疗各种疾病和伤害. 


You are allowed to keep prescription 和 over-the-counter medications in your on-campus housing. If you have medication that has psychotropic effects or requires the use of needles for administration, we encourage you to keep these safeguarded from theft in a hidden lock box.


你患有慢性病吗? 去见我们的卫生资源护士 找出健康是如何 & 健康 works with specialists 和 primary care providers to coordinate services 和 provide care such as monitoring health/illness, 实验室工作, 等. 您还将了解其他UNH资源, 同伴支持, 当你生病时该做什么, 和更多的.


健康 & 健康幸福轮简单

By the time you graduate your Wildcat story will be a book with many chapters on your 成功 和 挑战无论是个人还是学术上.

有一个 健康的心态 will help you navigate your journey through college, where you'll learn that 压力是自然的. A wellness mindset is based on the belief that taking care of all areas of your wellness will enhance your experience at UNH so that you feel proud of your achievements 和 learn from your struggles.

Students who hold a wellness mindset are more motivated 和 confident to face college with 自我意识,努力,坚持 和 自我保健.

了解更多有关 幸福轮

目标需要时间和努力才能变成习惯. Use this summer to try out some wellness habits that will help you succeed academically 和 personally at UNH. 这里有一些建议让你开始:

  1. 开始打破大学通宵学习的神话吧. 你可以靠睡觉来取得好成绩. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night helps your brain 和 body rebuild 和 reset so that you have energy to be fully present in class, 集中、保留和巩固信息. This summer, start practicing getting 7-8 hours of sleep, 7 days a week.
  2. 拥抱尴尬. 在纽约大学,你会有很多尴尬的时刻. Instead of beating yourself up for getting lost on campus or not knowing what to say to the person next to you, 记住,一切都很好,没有人是完美的. Start noticing when you feel awkward by paying attention to the situation, 你的想法, 感觉和身体感觉. Self-awareness opens the door to be a little bit more kind to yourself.
  3. 像对待朋友一样对待自己. You deserve kindness 和 you don’t have to wait for someone else to give it to you. 想想你是如何对待你在乎的人的, 你是否以同样的善意和关怀对待自己?  通过询问来检查自己 “我做得怎么样?? 我需要什么??”
  4. 注意你的呼吸. Our brains are like monkeys, jumping around from thought to thought. Usually, this isn’t really helpful 和 can lead us to worry or overthink. 让你的猴子大脑冷静下来, pause occasionally to take slow deep breaths 和 notice how your body feels as your breath moves in 和 out of your body.
  5. 行动起来. Body movement is one of the best ways to refuel your body with energy. Start moving your body daily, it doesn’t matter what you do, just move. 额外的好处, nature has been found to be a natural stress reliever so take your movement outdoors to get your good stress hormones flowing.
  6. 计划参加社交活动. 结交新朋友需要努力、勇气和毅力. 访问 WildcatLink to start looking at all the student organizations 和 way to get involved at UNH. Make a list of clubs that you are curious about 和 then make a plan to visit their tables at 你的一天.
  7. 接受自己的不好. You may find that you are feeling all kinds of emotions this summer as you start to think 和 plan your transition to UNH. Remind yourself that it’s okay to be nervous, excited, anxious, curious. All the feelings you experience are okay, even when they are uncomfortable to experience. 
  8. 练习感恩. Thinking what you are grateful for can increase your sense of well-being 和 happiness. At the end of each day, start your gratitude habit by thinking about what you are grateful for.
  9. 滋养你的身体. Food is fuel that you need to get through the day with energy 和 cognitive clarity. Notice how your body feels when you nourish it with a variety of whole foods. Oh, 和 by the way, the Freshman 15 is a myth that isn’t supported by good research.
  10. 想想喝还是不喝的选择. 好吧,现实点吧. 酒精是大学里的东西. There are students who party 和 there are students who choose not to drink. Think about how you want your college experience to be 和 how alcohol may or may not fit into your overall goals.  



The best way to prevent getting sick is by taking care of yourself 和 your wellness. 我们可以帮助你有一个好的开始,并保持你的 幸福轮 平衡.

  • 我们提供 生活健康教育/咨询 services for stress 和 resilience, sleep, sexual health, substance use, nutrition, 和更多的. 
  • Well Living 服务还提供正念服务 & meditation, pet therapy, 和更多的, all designed to help you build the skills you need to be well.

如果你生病或受伤了,只要 预约!

一定要看看这个列表 校园资源 可以帮助你照顾自己的健康.


The easiest thing you can do is to connect with us on social media to find out more about our services, 项目, 还有全年的大事:  

You can also add our phone number to your contacts to reach out when you need us (603) 862-9355.