
Peace Corps in the field with logo overlay

Take the first step with 和平队预备, a partnership between UNH and the U.S. Peace Corps that prepares undergraduates for global service. 

Through 和平队预备, you will: 

  • Engage in undergraduate academic coursework and field experiences that emphasize community engagement and public service 
  • Build the essential skills to excel in global service activities
  • Prepare to apply to the Peace Corps 
  • Get engaged in your community at home and abroad 

Fill out the 和平队预备 Application

The Peace Corps has identified four core competencies that are critical to the intercultural fieldwork Peace Corps Volunteers engage in: 


Volunteers create links among schools, 父母, and communities by working in elementary, 二次, 以及高等学校的数学, 科学, 英语会话, and resource teachers or early-grade reading and literacy teacher trainers.  


健康 Volunteers work within their communities to promote important topics such as nutrition, 艾滋病毒/艾滋病教育和预防, 妇幼保健, 基本的卫生, 水卫生.  


环境 Volunteers lead grassroots efforts to protect the environment and strengthen understanding of environmental issues.  


农业 Volunteers work with small-scale farmers and families to increase food security and production and adapt to climate change while promoting environmental conservation.  


青年发展 Volunteers work with youth in communities to promote engagement and active citizenship, 包括性别意识, 就业能力, 保健和艾滋病毒/艾滋病教育, 环保意识, 体育健身项目, 信息技术. 


社区经济发展 Volunteers work with development banks, 非政府组织, and municipalities to encourage economic opportunities in communities. They frequently teach in classroom settings and work with entrepreneurs and business owners to develop and market their products.  

Most students must hone their capacity to interact professionally using a non-English language. Minimum course requirements vary by desired placement region. 

  • 拉丁美洲: 学生 indicating an intention to serve in Spanish-speaking countries must build strong intermediate proficiency, having completed two 500-level courses or learned Spanish through another medium. 
  • 西非: 学生 indicating an intention to serve in French-speaking African countries must build proficiency in French or another Romance language, having completed one 500-level course or learned the language through another medium. 
  • 其他地方: 学生 indicating an intention to serve anywhere else do not have explicit language requirements to complete the Program, but they should still be encouraged to study a foreign language. 
Note: If you are a strong native speaker and hope to serve in a country that speaks your same language, 您可以跳过此要求!  

Engaging thoughtfully and fluidly across cultures begins with one’s own self-awareness. With this learning objective, you will deepen your cultural agility through a mix of three introspective courses in which you learn about others while reflecting upon your own self in relation to others. The goal is for you to build your capacity to shift perspective and behavior around relevant cultural differences. 

和平队预备 requires three specific activities that will strengthen students' candidacy for the Peace Corps. To fulfill this requirement, students must complete the following:

  1. 有你的 简历了 by someone in 事业和专业成功.
  2. 参加研讨会或课程 面试技巧.
  3. 培养至少一个重要的 领导经验 and be prepared to discuss it thoughtfully. 例如, 组织校园活动, leading a work or volunteer project, or serving on the executive board of a student organization.


UNH 和平队预备 creates a framework for you to build these four competencies, integrating coursework with hands-on experience and professional development, as well as individualized guidance throughout your college career and Peace Corps application process. 项目完成后, you will receive a certificate from the Peace Corps—and a competitive edge when applying for Peace Corps service. 

和平队预备 is open to all undergraduates in any major. The program does not guarantee acceptance into the Peace Corps but stands out on your application and provides you with impressive experiences relevant to any work in global service.