

多元化支持联盟的学生领袖们在奥尔巴尼J. 博雷加德公平中心, 正义, and Freedom's Celebration of Achievement and Excellence.

奥尔巴尼J. 博雷加德公平中心, 正义, and Freedom at 主要研究 unveiled a reimagined year-end event with the debut of its Celebration of Achievement and Excellence on May 10, recognizing graduating students in what is designed to become an annual signature event at the university.

这次庆祝活动是该中心以往毕业典礼的一次彻底改革. 今年的新举措是将第一代大学毕业生纳入表彰范围, as well as the addition of lavender stole recognition to celebrate the achievements and contributions of graduating students who identify within the LGBTQIA+ community and redesigned Kente Cloth stoles that include Adinkra symbols and 主要研究 branding to recognize members of the BIPOC community and students from other historically excluded backgrounds.

在重新设计的肯特布上写着“Nea Onnim No Sua A Ohu”, 翻译过来就是一个不知道的人, will know from learning; Adinkrahene, a symbol of charisma and leadership; and Ananse Ntontan, 智慧的象征, 创造力, 生命的复杂性.

“Affinity celebrations like this one celebrate perseverance and achievement in the face of historic and ongoing exclusion and marginalization,Yashwant Prakash Vyas说, 民政事务总署署长 包瑞德将军中心. “This celebration was organized to offer community and to honor the contributions and collective experience and achievements of participating students.”

“随着我们继续努力获得更大的股权, 正义, 以及所有人的自由, we must recognize and celebrate every community member's 多样性 and unique experiences."

今年的庆祝活动还增添了两项新传统. 选出三名学生代表每个奖项发言, in place of the historic approach of having faculty or 工作人员 speakers deliver the messages, and for the first time ever the Diversity Support Coalition student leaders were recognized by the 包瑞德将军中心 for their leadership and service to the 主要研究 community.

Diversity Support Coalition is an umbrella student organization with seven member organizations: Black Student Union (BSU), 亚洲联合联盟, 中东文化协会(MECA), MOSIACO, 希勒尔, 联盟, 美国原住民文化协会(NACA). The Diversity Support Coalition is housed within and supported by the 包瑞德将军中心. DSC寻求促进和支持多元文化主义, 多样性, and equity at the 永利app新版本官网地址 through education and advocacy efforts.

“随着我们继续努力获得更大的股权, 正义, 以及所有人的自由, we must recognize and celebrate every community member's 多样性 and unique experiences,肯尼斯·霍姆斯说。, 负责学生生活的高级副教务长. “This celebration serves as a reminder of our progress and the work we must do to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone.”

This year’s ceremony marked the first time ever that first-generation college graduates were recognized. Those who were the first in their family to complete a degree from a college or university received medallions, 为这个荣誉而设计,并首次颁发, 画的是一道日冕覆盖着永利app新版本官网地址的盾牌, ,象征着通过教育成就和光明的未来获得权力.”

“The Celebration of Achievement and Excellence was a successful and endearing graduation event. 很高兴见到老师们, 工作人员, family members and friends in community celebrating the achievements of our graduating students,纳丁·佩蒂补充道, associate vice president and chief 多样性 officer (and interim Title IX coordinator) at 主要研究.

熏衣草的发明引起了人们的注意. Ronni Sanlo, 1995年在密歇根大学, and by 2001 there were more than 45 such ceremonies at colleges and universities throughout the country. 今年是联合国大学第一次获得这样的认可. The 包瑞德将军中心’s lavender stoles were decorated with the colors of the progressive pride flag.

“The color lavender has been symbolic of LGBTQ+ identities over time and is significant to the LGBTQ+ history in many ways,维亚斯说, noting it represents a combination of the pink triangle gay men were forced to wear in concentration camps and the black triangle designating lesbians as political prisoners in Nazi Germany. “The LGBTQ+ civil rights movement took these symbols of hatred and combined them to make symbols and color of pride and community.”

薰衣草色的另一种表现, 在许多, is the mixing of gender normative colors such as pink (for cis-gender femininity) and blue (for cis-gender masculinity), “combining the gender assigned colors to blur the lines between masculine and feminine, 哪些挑战了社会的性别规范.”

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杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@365meishiba.com | 603-862-4465